• Welcome to Volunteers for Peace Vietnam

Together make a better world

CHILD CARE (Caring for children)

 Quản trị viên —  4/15/2017 —  5951

CHILD CARE (Caring for children)

There are three types of caring for children projects.

1.Caring for disabled children.

Although Vietnam has now been at peace for many years, effects from war continue to haunt not only the adult population of this beautiful country but also its children. Volunteers have the opportunity to work in institutions caring for orphan/street children or disabled children and young people affected by Agent Orange or in schools, hospitals and community clinics looking after mentally disabled children. Work is somewhat varied dependent on the institution where the volunteer is placed, however typical examples of jobs and tasks can include; assisting local staff in providing rehabilitation exercises and therapist treatments for children, playing with children and entertaining/educating them with games, music, arts and other exercises, helping to develop fundraising initiatives to ensure ongoing funding for these institutions and teaching English to local staff.



2.Caring & teaching for children from poor background

For this project children are orphan or abandoned/street children and they are normal (not disabled). The main work will be spent time with children, playing with them, care to them and help them to feel warm on their normal difficult life. A part from caring work, there will be a possibility to do some basic teaching.










Learning about colours and decoration








Playing together

Learning Children before showering time

Take shower for the kids

 3. Caring for children at a kindergarten

Volunteers will help to taking care for children at kindergarten age. They are babies and between 2-6 years old. There are several kindergartens in urban area of Ho Chi Minh city.There are two type of kindergarten: the kindergarten for normal kids and for kids from poor back-ground.