• Welcome to Volunteers for Peace Vietnam

Together make a better world

Our Philosophy

 Quản trị viên —  8/26/2016 —  20364

Our strategy is to focus on education, as education enables us to make decisions which positively affect our life. Recent studies have shown that educated people have well functional social networks, are less likely to be unemployed, and use their leisure time more effectively.

This approach is twofold:

  • International Volunteers: With the help of primarily international volunteers, we improve the education and language skills of young Vietnamese students. This effective and sustainable approach builds the foundation for a self determined life and future career opportunities. International volunteers simultaneously experience local culture and improve their work and intercultural skills
  • Local Volunteers: Through the initiative of mainly local volunteers we contribute to youth and community development. This includes programs for Vietnamese to volunteer abroad (for details refer to the ICYE section), to participate in the VPV Club, which organizes events to promote volunteer work, or to take part in training and development courses (i.e. project management, leadership training, cultural diversity).

Following this philosophy, VPV is able to:

  • Provide opportunities for people from all over the world to come to Vietnam to learn about the various cultures and to assist communities in need
  • Provide opportunities for Vietnamese people to meet and work with individuals from different countries
  • Provide opportunities for local youth to become more active and responsible through various volunteer programs throughout Vietnam
  • Provide opportunities for Vietnamese people to participate in volunteer and culture exchange programs abroad that facilitate experiential learning and capacity building
  • Contribute to the development of Vietnam through volunteer programs and community development projects


Our work can be divided into 3 focus areas:

  • Education: VPV covers both basic education at primary schools, such as foreign language courses in French or English, secondary schools, tertiary level and universities.
  • Social Work: Includes childcare at nursery schools, orphanages, or specialized schools for mentally disabled, i.e. for children suffering from the after-effect of Agent Orange.
  • Youth and Community Development: We work with local NGOs and social enterprises. Activities include health education, LGBT awareness, construction/renovation, environment/organic farming, exchange programs, and training courses, such as leadership and communication training.
  • We offer dedicated programs for all of the activities listed above – please refer to the Projects for International Volunteers and Projects for Local Volunteers tabs for more information.