• Welcome to Volunteers for Peace Vietnam

Together make a better world

Local Volunteers Recruitment

 Quản trị viên —  2/5/2018 —  5438

Volunteers For Peace Vietnam (VPV) is looking for 07 Vietnamese volunteers to join a workcamp on gender with Italian volunteers. All expenses for your accommodation and food during the programs will be covered by VPV.

(Workcamp is the most common type of short-term volunteering where a group of volunteers will live and work together in an arranged project site. The workcamps often last 2 weeks and are fixed in VPV’s annual schedule; but usually, there are more workcamps in summer time (June- August) and spring time (December- January).
International workcamps bring together volunteers from different countries with the aim to promote mutual understanding and therefore foster peace and friendship through supporting local communities. The size of a workcamp ranges from 10 to 20 volunteers.)

The workcamp includes different activities to ensure the raising awareness action and to join different target groups. The set of activities below will see the active involvement of Italian and Vietnamese volunteers and the participation of the local community.
The project includes the following activities:

1. Meetings with experts in gender issues in Vietnam to learn about the subject/topic.
2. Visits some local organizations working in the field of gender equality to gain an insight into local gender issues and related actions/projects.
3. Three workshops with the students of the local community to raise awareness on gender-sensitive issues
4. Photos Exhibition linked to a Drawing contest focused on gender.

Your tasks will be to work in teams with international volunteers to organize those activities.

You will get…
- The opportunity to work, communicate and be friends with international volunteers.
- The opportunity to be part of meaningful activities for community development.
- The chance to enhance English skills, teamwork, cross-communication skills.
- Insights to different cultures
- A certificate of completion (depending on the performance of volunteer)

If you….
- Are 18 years old and over
- Have good command of English (particularly listening and speaking).
- Have interest in gender-based issues.
- Have strong commitment and good sense of responsibilities.
- Have experiences in working with international volunteers/ people
- Commit to join the whole camp without any days off.
you are the one that we are looking for!

Recruitment Process:
- Application round: 3rd to 24th February, 2018
- Interview round: 27th, 28th February and 1st March in Hanoi
- Training section: Will be informed via email to candidates passing the interview round.

You can register via the link below: https://vpv.typeform.com/to/sMYkHq
Deadline: 23h59, 24th February, 2018

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Email: vpv.intern@gmail.com
Phone: 024 3 765 2719 (Thuong, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm)



 Quản trị viên  4/10/2019 11:14:51 AM  4647

Xuan Mai worked for VPV during 4 years. March 27th, 2019 was her last day. Read her reflection about the past 4 years.