Quản trị viên —  6/21/2019 —  4004
Do you want to make your Summer meaningful? Do you want to take part in an international workcamp? This is for you!
VPV is hosting two workcamps in Thai Hai Village, Thai Nguyen province, in July! We are looking for four local volunteers to support us and our volunteers!
You will help the program coordinator to prepare logistics for the workcamp, upon request, and to facilitate the work and the integration of international volunteers into local community. You will also actively take part in the work of the international volunteers.
The benefits of the local supporters include:
- Having the opportunity to work, socialize and be friends with other volunteers.
- Having the chance to contribute to local community.
- Having the chance to enhance English skills, teamwork, and interpersonal skills.
- Gaining insights into different cultures.
- Having fun, learning and growing personally.
- All expenses for accommodation and food during the program
will be covered by VPV.
More information on the poster below.
We are looking for Vietnamese candidates from 18 years old above with:
- Good command of English
- Good communication skills
- Capacity of working independently and in a team
- Passion for social and voluntary work
- A strong sense of responsibility
- Good health conditions
- Strong commitment for full-time participation in the program
If you want to participate, please apply here: https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSeA_PwebtcmgkBKAJ…/viewform
Recruitment process
- 15/6/2019-30/6/2019: Application round
Interested candidates should fill in the application form in the link above by 23:59 June 30th, 2019
- 2/7/2019: Short-listed candidates announcement (via email and only to selected candidates)
- 4-5/7/2019: Short-listed candidates interviews (at VPV office)
- 10/7/2019: Selected candidate announcement (via email)
- 11-12/7/2019: Selected candidate confirmation (via email)
- 18/7/2019: Meeting and short training before the program for selected local volunteers (to be confirmed upon the announcement of the final selection result)
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:29:12 AM 6982
Volunteer’s name: Florence Lempereur
Nationality: France
Project: English Summer Classes
Duration: 2 weeks
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:28:10 AM 6602
Volunteer’s name: Florence Mc Donald
Nationality: Canadian
Project: Phu Thuong primary school
Duration: 4 months
Quản trị viên 11/27/2017 4:48:03 PM 8943
Volunteer’s name: Charlotte Thies
Nationality: German
Project: Hanoi University of Industry
Duration: 8 months
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:24:38 AM 5759
Volunteer: Tracey Keogh
Project: English Summer Classes
Duration: 8 weeks
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:24:13 AM 4668
Volunteer’s name: Beat Mosimann
Nationality: Swiss
Project: Hanoi University of Industry
Duration: 4 weeks
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:25:36 AM 6932
Volunteer’s name: Linnea Jansson
Nationality: Swedish
Project: Teaching English at Nghia Tan primary school
Duration: 12 weeks
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 3:19:35 PM 5215
Quản trị viên 11/24/2017 6:50:11 PM 5504
Volunteer’s name: Vibeke
Nationality: Danish
Project: Phuc Tue caring center
Duration: 2 weeks
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 3:17:30 PM 4693
Quản trị viên 2/22/2018 2:44:08 PM 4484
Volunteer’s name: Dzanh Sy Le
Nationality: US
Project: Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)
Duration: 12 weeks
Quản trị viên 2/22/2018 3:03:31 PM 4924
Volunteer’s name:Jannis Neithammer
Nationality: German
Project: Volunteers for Peace Vietnam Club (VPV Club)
Duration: 12 months
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 2:55:36 PM 4577