Quản trị viên —  11/3/2017 —  5760
My thoughts on my project
I cannot speak highly enough of my project or working with Ms Nga. Granted at the beginning I had some concerns but not necessarily with my project. It took time to adjust into the role and more importantly to let go of my cultural expectations..
Once I did that everything ran smoothly. I was overwhelmed to begin with in regards to the number of Vietnamese volunteers per class. I spoke with Ms Nga and the number of people who were in class was reduced. Ms Nga is very approachable and understanding and always listens to us volunteers. I think she is an amazing lady.
The only issue I found difficult during my time was that so many volunteers from the house go to one school. Even when it is clear there is no need to have that many, with some having days off or hearing volunteers just decided to leave a class early.
I know you asked about the difficulties on my project but honestly this ties in with it. I love my project and am grateful to both VPV and Ms Nga for allowing me the opportunity to follow through with this project from start to finish. I love teaching my classes and working alongside the Vietnamese volunteers who I am very lucky to call my friends.
It was because I was so passionate about my project that I believe moving forward with it you should consider allocating two English teachers from VPV to this project. The children deserve it. There are different levels of capability in any classroom but it does not help if the teacher has his/her back to students at any one time.
Me on an one-day-trip with Ms. Nga and students
Having come from a disadvataged background it has really warmed my heart helping to teach students who cannot afford to go to English centres or private schools. I really mean that. The children I am blessed to teach are amazing and deserve the same level of education as any other student.
I am sorry if this is too long I really cannot thank VPV enough for putting me on this project. Also a special word of thanks for sending Charlotte to this project for 3 weeks. It was very beneficial to the children having us both there. My experience has been truly fantastic. I have loved my time here and will be very sad saying goodbye to the children, Ms Nga and the Vietnamese volunteers.
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:29:12 AM 6982
Volunteer’s name: Florence Lempereur
Nationality: France
Project: English Summer Classes
Duration: 2 weeks
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:28:10 AM 6602
Volunteer’s name: Florence Mc Donald
Nationality: Canadian
Project: Phu Thuong primary school
Duration: 4 months
Quản trị viên 11/27/2017 4:48:03 PM 8943
Volunteer’s name: Charlotte Thies
Nationality: German
Project: Hanoi University of Industry
Duration: 8 months
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:24:13 AM 4669
Volunteer’s name: Beat Mosimann
Nationality: Swiss
Project: Hanoi University of Industry
Duration: 4 weeks
Quản trị viên 11/3/2017 11:25:36 AM 6933
Volunteer’s name: Linnea Jansson
Nationality: Swedish
Project: Teaching English at Nghia Tan primary school
Duration: 12 weeks
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 3:19:35 PM 5215
Quản trị viên 11/24/2017 6:50:11 PM 5504
Volunteer’s name: Vibeke
Nationality: Danish
Project: Phuc Tue caring center
Duration: 2 weeks
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 3:17:30 PM 4693
Quản trị viên 2/22/2018 2:44:08 PM 4485
Volunteer’s name: Dzanh Sy Le
Nationality: US
Project: Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)
Duration: 12 weeks
Quản trị viên 2/22/2018 3:03:31 PM 4925
Volunteer’s name:Jannis Neithammer
Nationality: German
Project: Volunteers for Peace Vietnam Club (VPV Club)
Duration: 12 months
Quản trị viên 5/25/2018 2:55:36 PM 4578
Quản trị viên 4/3/2018 3:54:47 PM 4342
Volunteer’s name: Uta Wanninger
Nationality: German
Project: Dao's care organization
Duration: 12 weeks